Its ridiculous how i feel more Indian than i ever did in my life. I trusted myself to be 'human' and love the other as a human... But the moment you step outside the country and mingle as part of a group with others from different parts of the world, there will be amongst them those who will lash you with "words"... Lash you with their 'knowledge' about your country and make you feel like defending 'your' nation, 'your' people, 'your' government'!!!
You feel like saying, "Hey! Look who's talking!!" And as if there are no issues else where. Look at Briton, where women are raped in the so called "finest taxi service in the world", the black cabs! Look at them who only RULED RULED and RULED all over the place with no understanding or appreciation for values of equality or liberty. It never hit their ears. All they knew was outwardly sophistication that judged people by how they held their forks & spoons.
This is what they do to you. They make you want to say things to them as if that is the only reality!??? Is it??
Let me say it clearly here, i dont care to be Indian as much as i dont care where you are from. I usually look at you, whosoever you are with either sheer indifference or on the other hand plain love of just being another human. I dont value being human more than i respect any creature creeping into my room without my 'permission or choice'.
But the words people lash at each other coming from different nations, just to show off their IQ and ability to store 'information' of the world, only makes you want to see them as "some britt boy" who spoke too much or some english orgin australian who believed to know it all and treated the other only as an object of entertainment nearly.
No i still dont LOVE "My India" anymore than i love so many other parts of the world. No i still dont think that other places have no flaws or no issues of thier own from bad policies, to soaring crime rates, to scams and corruption, failing governments, pretense, hypocrisy.... No i still dont believe that India is the most humble of them all.
All i know is that there ARE differences, human differences, in every little space we find, may it be your own appartment, your own office, your state, region, religious group or nation. We are different in our own ways and more similar to each other than we would like to believe or ever admit.
And yes, i have come across beeaauutiful people from all over the world too who are tolerant of the other as any other being, who are respectful of the other for who they are and not define or rather confine them to where they come from, which 'sect' they belong to, 'are you Hindu'. Ha Ha!
No you will not be able to make me more INDIAN than it reads and neesd on my passport.
What you can do may be, since you have the Power of words is write to 'your nation', write to 'my nation' and ask them to take away their borders, ask them if they have the courage to stand without an 'army', ask them if they have the audacity or can trust their own instincts and stand there able to respect the other beyond the colour of thier skin. Ask them if they, or rather you have the courage to accept that they are just like you.
Do you have it in you to throw away your 'superior complex' and know that you are but another speicies living on this earth and in fact ruining it, just passing life simply living around, procreating and and to realise that you are definitely not amongst the very few who are also striving for a better quality of life that humans, only humans can even 'think' of achieving.
So i suggest use words carefully as they have power and use them to MAKE LOVE not WAR...
Make love not war...